Friday, January 29, 2016

Chinese 國語 3, First Semester 上, Lessons 1 and 2 第一課跟第二課

The Chinese text below was taken from the book published by Kang Shuan 康軒文教事業.

The red characters are the vocabulary words for that lesson.  The grammar/enrichment section following each story/essay/poem has not been included here, because translating those sections into English wouldn't be very meaningful.

一 One: 爸爸的相簿 Dad's Photo Album

Opening dad's photo album,
I see the footprints of time,
Each picture,
Tells me,
The story of what happened to dad.

Opening dad's photo album,
In the photo album:
There's a little baby,
躺在搖籃裡, 開心的笑著;
Smiling happily in its crib;
There's a small child,
Wearing a diaper and learning how to walk;
There's a small student,
Happily receiving a diploma from his teacher's hands,
All of these are dad's childhood.

Opening dad's photo album,
I see young dad holding mother's hand,
Walking on a beach;
I see dad happily embracing me,
On his face is a knowing smile;
I see dad working hard as a volunteer,
Directing traffic at an intersection.

Opening dad's photo album,
I see the footprints of time.
It is a book that records growth,
一張張, 一頁,
Leaf by leaf, and page by page,
Each page tells me,
Many stories about dad as a person.

二 Two: 小子 Little Shoes

星期天早上, 媽媽整理房間的時候, 拿出了一小鞋子.  我看了一下, 哇!  有娃娃鞋, 小布鞋, 小鞋...., 雖然看起來舊的, 可是都洗的乾乾淨淨.  On a Sunday morning, when mother was cleaning the room, she took out a bunch of shoes.  When I saw them I was amazed!  There were baby shoes, small cloth shoes, little leather shoes... and although they looked very old, they were all well-cleaned.

我大聲說: "好可愛的鞋子!"  媽媽笑著說: "這些都是你小時候穿過的啊!"  I exclaimed: "These shoes are so cute!"  Mother laughed and said: "You wore all of these when you were little!"

有一鞋圓圓的, 像小飛.  媽媽告訴我: "這是你的第一雙鞋子, 那時候, 你才滿月呢!"  我張大眼睛, 真不敢相信自己穿過這麼小的鞋子.  One pair of shoes was very round, like little frisbees.  Mother told me: "This was your first pair of shoes. At that time, you were only a month old!"  I opened my eyes very wide.  I couldn't believe that I had worn shoes so small.

媽媽又拿起一雙小布鞋, 有一隻鞋的鞋面上, 還貼著小白兔.  媽媽說: "你學走路時, 天天穿它, 因為常常跌倒, 所以有一隻小白 '兔跑' 走了."  媽媽的記性真好, 這麼久以前的事都還記得.  Mother brought out a small pair of cloth shoes.  On one side of one shoe was a picture of a little white rabbit.  Mother said: "When you were learning how to walk you wore these shoes every day.  Because you fell down often, one of the little white rabbits 'ran away.'"  Mother's memory is very good, if she can remember things from so long ago.

我指著另一雙小皮鞋說: "真漂亮, 好像小一樣."  媽媽說: "那是你三時, 外婆買給你的生日物."  聽媽媽這麼說, 讓我更想念疼愛我的外婆.  I pointed to another pair of leather shoes and said: "So beautiful, like little boats."  Mother said: "Those were the shoes given to you for your birthday by your grandma, when you were three years old."  Hearing mother speak of this made me miss my beloved grandma.

我把鞋子小到大排一排, 比一比, 看起來真有.  我對媽媽說: "這些鞋子都比我現在穿的小好多啊!"  媽媽看了一眼我排的鞋子, 輕輕的拍拍我的頭說: "這表你一年比一年長大了."  是啊!  真快, 隨著時間悄悄的過去, 我也在不知不覺中升上三年級了.  I arranged the shoes from smallest to largest, comparing them, and enjoying the sight of them.  I said to mother: "These shoes are all so much smaller than the shoes I wear now!"  Mother looked at the shoes I'd arranged and patted my head, saying: "This means that you're growing bigger and bigger every year."  Really!  The years have gone by so quickly, and now I'm already in the third grade!

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