Thursday, January 28, 2016

Chinese 國語 3, Second Semester 下, Lessons 1 and 2 第一課跟第二課

The Chinese text below was taken from the book published by Kang Shuan 康軒文教事業.

The red characters are the vocabulary words for that lesson.  The grammar/enrichment section following each story/essay/poem has not been included here, because translating those sections into English wouldn't be very meaningful.

一 One: 春天的訊息 The Spring News

"Spring is here!"
"Where is the spring?"
The little boy* thinks about it for half a day without success,
Unwinding a string to welcome the east wind,
Sending [his] kite out to listen.

子說: 春天在天空中徘徊,
The swallow says: Spring is wandering through the sky,
Look for a moment at the white clouds,
Writing a beautiful line of poetry for him.
說: 春天在田野上散步,
The yellow warbler says: Spring is walking through the fields,
Smell for a moment the fresh green earth,
Sending up its fresh scent for his walk.

杜鵑說: 春天在三裡旅行,
The rhododendron says: Spring travels down the mountain streams,
Listen for a moment to the trickling water,
Singing a song of welcome for him.

The sun says:
Spring passes down every big street,
And also passes down every small alley;
He walks into everyone's home,
And also warms every person's heart.

The little boy retrieves the kite,
Winds up the string,
Laughs [and] says:
"Spring was right beside us the whole time!"

二 Two: 晒被 Sun-Drying the Blanket

春天到了, 一連好幾天都是細雨綿綿的, 直到星期六早上, 天氣終於放晴了.  Spring is here, and it has been drizzling for several days.  On Saturday morning the weather clears.

"阿東, 小美啊! 把棉被拿到頂樓晒一晒."  媽媽在樓下喊.  我和妹抱著棉被, 推開頂樓的小門, 哇!  陽光好亮.  "A-dong!  Little Mei!  Take the blanket up to the roof to dry under the sun," mother says from downstairs.  My sister and I hold the blanket, and open the little door to the roof.  Wa!  The sun is so bright!

陽台的景, 出點點綠芽, 四長滿細細的雜草.  角那盆日日春, 開了幾朵粉紅色的小花, 兩隻小白蝶正在花間飛上飛下.  屋外的大樹, 也綠的葉子, 在微風中輕輕搖著.  春天, 真的來了!  The little tree on the balcony is growing small shoots, and there are small plants growing everywhere.  Little pink flowers are sprouting from the basin in the corner, and two small white butterflies are flying between the flowers.  The big tree beyond the house is sprouting green leaves that quiver in the wind.  Spring is really here!

我們先搬出子, 在把棉被攤在上面.  陽光不但照在棉被上, 也照在我們的身上, 感覺暖暖的.  過了一會兒, 小也跟上來, 牠高興的在地上翻著身子, 像一顆滾來滾去的毛球, 我們看到都笑了.  First we pull out the chair, and then place the blanket on top of it.  The rays of the sun don't only shine upon the blanket, but also on our bodies.  It feels very warm.  After a moment the small cat also comes up, and happily rolls its body over the floor like a ball of fur.  We laugh as we see it.

這時, 妹妹拍著手說: "我們來整理陽台, 好嗎?"  Then little sister claps her hands and says: "How about we clean up the balcony?"***

"好啊!" 我說.  "Ok!" I say.

妹妹和我一邊整理陽台的雜物和花盆裡的雜草, 一邊享受春天帶來的溫暖陽光.  Little sister and I clean up the assorted plants and other things on the balcony.  We also enjoy the warmth of the spring sun.

我躲進棉被搭成的小屋裡, 喊著: "妹妹, 我們來捉迷藏!"  正當我們玩得高興的時候, 媽媽上來了, 她拿著子拍打棉被, 輕聲的說: "春天的太陽好暖和呀!"  I hide inside the little house made by the blanket and say: "Little sister, let's play hide-and-go-seek!"  As we play happily mother comes up.  She takes a stick and beats the blanket with it.  She softly says: "The spring sun is so warm!"

下午, 我們把棉被收下來.  晒過的棉被, 吸足了陽光, 又鬆又, 聞一聞, 好像有一香味.  媽媽笑著說, 那是春天的味道呢!  We take the blanket back down in the afternoon.  The sun-dried blanket has soaked up the sun's rays, and it feels light and soft.  It has a fresh smell.  Mother laughs and says it is the smell of spring!

*弟弟 could just as easily be "younger brother" depending on the context.

**心房 could be translated as "atrium," but I think "heart" is what the poet is implying.

***Yeah right.  Like a little girl is going to spontaneously decide to clean up the balcony.  I have two daughters, and I cannot imagine this ever - EVER - happening.

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