Monday, February 22, 2016

English 英語 8, Second Semester 下, "Syllabus" 課程計畫

The syllabus/outline below was taken from the Dino On the Go! textbook published by Han Lin 翰林出版.  Other textbook series will vary, but given the government-mandated curriculum they won't vary much.

Kids in Taiwanese elementary schools have English class at least twice a week.  Each unit would be completed in about a month's time, adding up to the four months that comprise a semester.

The English textbooks start at #1 in grade three, and the numbers advance each semester.  This means that book #2 is for the second semester of grade three, book #3 is for the first semester of grade four, etc.  The numbers for other subject textbooks (i.e. "Social Studies 社會 3上") reflect the actual grade level, and use a 上 or 下 to indicate the semester.

I wouldn't expect students to retain a lot of the information in the last two units of this book.  In both May and June the sixth graders have many school activities, hormonal imbalances are starting to take hold, and junior high is just around the corner.  This is particularly true of the English past tense, which is just barely introduced in their last semester of elementary school.  Most students have to relearn this material in junior high.

Sentence Patterns
Key Words
Words of Wisdom*
Starter Unit

l   Does she go to the library by bus?
l   No, she doesn’t.
l   She goes to the library by bike.

pl, bl, cl, gl
Unit 1
Where Were You Yesterday?
l   Where were you yesterday?
l   I was at the museum yesterday.
l   Were you at home yesterday?
l   Yes, I was.
l   No, I wasn’t.  I was at the mall.
at home, at school, at the mall, at the museum, at the movie theater, at the restaurant, at the train station
Seeing is believing.
cr, gr, tr, dr
Unit 2
What Did You Do Yesterday?
l   What did you do yesterday?
l   played piano yesterday.
l   Did you play basketball yesterday?
l   Yes, I did.
l   No, I didn’t.  I surfed the Internet yesterday.
listened to music, played basketball, played the piano, surfed the Internet, visited a friend, watched TV
East or west, home is best.
sw, sp, st, sk
Review 1
Unit 3
What’s Your Favorite Season?
l   What’s your favorite season?
l   My favorite season is spring.
l   It’s warm in spring.
spring, summer, fall, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Short Vowels: a, e, i, o, u
Unit 4
How Much Is the Coat?
l   How much is the T-shirt?
l   It’s ninety-nine dollars.
l   How much are the pants?
l   They’re three hundred and fifty dollars.
a coat, a dress, a hat, a jacket, a T-shirt, a skirt, pants, shoes, shorts, jeans
Time is money.
Long Vowels: a, e, i, o, u
Review 2
Sports Around the World

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