Saturday, January 2, 2016

生活 "Life" 1 第一單元跟第二單元 Unit One and Unit Two 上 First Semester

For a general overview of these textbooks and how they're used in Taiwanese elementary schools, refer to Elementary School in Taiwan: Overview of Classes and Textbooks Used.

The "Life" textbook is the precursor to both Social Studies and (Natural) Science, which elementary school students study in grade 3.  This textbook is also used (or at least mentioned) in their "Living Arts" class.

This format used is more like that of a picture book.  The "Girl 1," "Boy 1," etc. refers to the text found in word balloons.

第一單元: 開學了 Unit 1: School Starts

開學了 School Starts

這是我們的學校, 我們可以在這裡學習和遊戲.  This is our school, we can learn and play here.

1. 到學校 Arriving at School

上小學了, 新學校有什麼不一樣嗎? [You've] started elementary school, is there anything different about your new school?

Girl 1: 你在哪一班? What class are you in?

Boy 1: 哇!  好大呵!  Wa!  So big!

Girl 2 and Boy 2: 老師早! Good morning teacher!

Boy 3: 一年級和幼稚園還有哪些不一樣呢?  What other differences are there between first grade and kindergarten?

2. 下課了 Break Time

下課時間大家都在做什麼呢? What is everyone doing during break time?

Girl 1: 你怎麼了? Are you ok?

Boy 1: 我想媽媽. I miss my mother.

Girl 2: 老師你好忙呵! Teacher you are so busy!

Girl 3: 啊! Ah!

Boy 2: 我洗好了! I'm finished washing!

Boy 3: 有人受傷了, 怎麼辦呢? Someone is hurt, what can we do?

Boy 4: 好多人在活動, 怎麼才能避免受傷呢? So many people are moving around, how can we keep people from getting hurt?

Girl 4: 姐姐, 放學後一起回家呵! Big sister, let's go home together after school!

Boy 4: 下課時, 大家可以做自己想做的事, 真開心! During break time everyone can do what they like.  [We are] very happy!

3. 認識新同學 Making New Friends

班上有好多同學,要怎麼認識他們呢? There are many classmates [in your class], how can you get to know them?

Boy 1: 一起去玩好嗎? Do you want to play together?

Girl 1: 謝謝! Thanks!

猜拳歌 Paper, Scissors, Stone Song

孫素意 Suen Su-Yi 詞 Words
作曲者不詳 Music Unknown

小朋友我們行個禮, Kids line up,
握握手呀來猜拳, Shake hands "ah!" and try to guess,
石碰怕呀看誰贏, The rock hits "pa ya!" see who wins,
輸了就要跟我走. The loser needs to walk with me.

Boy 1: 你記得和哪些同學猜過拳嗎? Which classmates did you remember to play [sing] with?

跟著大鼓, 小鼓的聲音踏踏步.  Step in time with the sound of the big drum and the small drum.

Girl 1: 我好想認識更多同學! I would love to know even more classmates!

要怎麼認識新朋友呢? How can you make a new friend?

找一找, 誰和你喜歡的事物一樣呢?  Look around.  Who likes the same things as you?

Boy 1: 我是李小明, 我和你一樣愛吃西瓜.  I'm Li Shiao-ming.  I like watermelon, same as you.

你可以試試看 You Can Try It

1. 把8開圖畫紙對摺成兩面畫紙. Take size 8 construction paper and fold it in half.

2. 先在其中一面畫出自己喜歡的活動. On one half draw activities you like.

3. 然後在另一面畫出喜歡的事物. Afterward, draw things you like on the other half.

Girl 1: 完成了! Finished!

你認識了幾個新朋友?  想和他們一起去做什麼呢? How many new friends have you made?  What do you want to do with them?

我的朋友在哪裡 Where is My Friend?

林福欲 Lin Fu-yu 填詞 Lyrics
美國民歌 American Folk Song

一二三四五六七, One two three four five six seven,
 我的朋友在哪裡? Where is my friend?
在這裡, 在這裡, Here, here,
我的朋友在這裡. My friend is here.
啦啦啦啦啦啦啦, La la la la la la la,
同唱歌來同遊戲. Sing and play together.
笑嘻嘻, 多甜蜜, Laughter is very sweet,
我的朋友就是你. My friend is you.

Boy 1: 我好喜歡天天和新朋友一起玩! I love to play with my new friends every day!

第二單元: 校園大發現 Unit 2: Discovering the School Campus

校園就像一座大寶藏, 等著我們去發現呵!  你準備好要出發了嗎?  The school campus is like a treasure, waiting for you to find it!  Are you ready to go outside?

1. 說說學校的事 Talking About School

你曾經去過校園裡的哪些地方呢?  發現過特別的事情嗎? Which places in the school have you been to?  What have you discovered?

Girl 1: 你是在哪裡發現這朵花的?  Where did you find this flower?

Girl 2: 我也想去那裡看一看!  帶我去! I also want to go there and see!  Take me there!

2. 一起去探索 Exploring Together

聽過同學的分享後, 你最想去校園哪些地方呢?  大家一起去探索吧!  After hearing what your classmates have shared, what places in the school would you like to visit?  Let's explore together!

Boy 1: 老師們在辦公室裡做什麼事呢? What do the teachers do in the office?

Boy 2: 您好! Hello sir!

教師辦公室 Teacher's Office

健康中心 Health Center

Girl 1: 我上次受傷就是來這裡擦藥的. Last time I was hurt I came here to have ointment rubbed on it.

Boy 3: 健康中心有一種特別的味道... The health center has a special smell...

Boy 4 [in wheelchair]: 這裡讓我上學和回家都很方便. This place makes it convenient for me to go back and forth from school.

無障礙坡道 Handicapped-Accessible Ramp

圖書館 Library

Girl 2: 大家在這裡做什麼呢? What is everyone doing in here?

Boy 5: 想一想, 上下樓梯時要注意什麼呢? Think about it, when going up and down the stairs what should we be careful of?

電腦教室 Computer Room

Girl 3: 哥哥說我們三年級就可以來這裡上課了! My big brother says that when we're in third grade we can attend class here!

到戶外去探索看看吧! Go outside and explore!

Boy 1: 我最喜歡玩溜滑梯! My favorite place to play is the slide!

Girl 1 [pointing under the slide]: 那裡是我的秘密基地. That's my secret place.

遊戲器材區 Playground

Boy 2: 戶外空間真大, 別人都在做什麼呢? It's so big outside, what is everyone else doing?

Boy 3: 怎樣玩遊戲才安全? How can we use the play equipment safely?

Girl 2: 明天我也要帶球來玩! Tomorrow I also want to bring a ball to play with!

Boy 4 [hanging on the chin-up bar]: 開心的玩一下吧! Let me play with this a second!

操場 Athletic Field

Boy 5 [gesturing to a series of children playing charades]: 別人在做什麼呢?  我們來模仿看看. What are other people doing? Let's try to act it out.

Girl 3: 除了用看的, 還可以怎樣探索校園呢? Aside from seeing, how else can we explore the school?

生態池 Ecological Pond

Girl 4: 我就是在這裡撿到這朵花的! I picked this flower here!

Boy 6 [holding a tree]: 摸起來粗粗的! It feels rough!

Boy 7: 你聽到什麼聲音? What do you hear?

Girl 5: 有好多小動物! There are so many small animals!

小麻雀 Little Sparrow

馮輝岳 Feng Huei-yue 詞 Lyrics
蔡鴻宜 Tsai Hong-yi 曲 Music

小麻雀唧唧喳, 一隻在唱歌, Little sparrow "ji ji ja," one sings a song,
一隻學說話, 唧唧喳唧唧喳, One learns to talk, "ji ji ja ji ji ja,"
下來吧!  下來陪我玩泥沙. Come down! Play in the sand with me.

Boy 8: 跟著小麻雀一起跳一跳吧! Jump along with the little sparrow!

到校園裡找一找掉落在地上的樹葉, 果實或花朵, 用它們來排成一幅圖畫.  Look for fallen leaves, fruit, or flowers around campus.  Arrange them to make a picture.

Boy 8: 圖畫完成後, 拍照做紀念, 記得要把樹葉, 果實或花朵放回去呵! After you've finished your picture, take a picture as a memento.  Remember to put the leaves, fruit, and flowers back!

你還想去哪些地方探索?  和誰一起去?  去做什麼呢? What other places would you like to explore?  Who do you want to go with?  What will you do there?

Boy 9: 我們找另一條路回教室吧! Let's go back to class another way!

Girl 6: 你知道學校的兔子養在哪裡嗎? Do you know where the school rabbit is?

Boy 10: 我知道!  我帶妳去! I know!  I will take you!

Boy 11: 下課時, 你要不要跟我去大樹下玩? During break time, do you want to play with me under the big tree?

3. 校園裡最喜歡的地方 [Your] Favorite Place in School

你最喜歡校園哪個地方呢?  What's your favorite place in school?

Girl 1: 我喜歡大樹下. I like it best under the big tree.

Boy 1: 我喜歡圖書館. I like the library the most.

Boy 2 [holding his picture]: 這是我用樹葉拼成的. I made this out of leaves.

你可以試試看 You Can Try It

1. 撕一撕色紙, 看一看像校園中的哪一個景物? Tear up colored paper, see what things in the school it resembles.

2. 在色紙背面四周塗上膠水. Spread glue on the other side of the paper.

3. 黏在圖畫紙上, 再用粉蠟筆完成作品. Glue it onto construction paper, use crayons to finish the picture.

Girl 1: 完成了! I finished!

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