Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Chinese 國語 4, First Semester 上, Lessons 1 and 2 第一課跟第二課

The Chinese text below was taken from the book published by Kang Shuan 康軒文教事業.

The red characters are the vocabulary words for that lesson.  The grammar/enrichment section following each story/essay/poem has not been included here, because translating those sections into English wouldn't be very meaningful.

一 One: 大地巨人 The Giant [in the] Landscape

When I am sitting alone on the grass,
Looking at the rolling hills,
I always think that our landscape
Looks like a friendly giant.

His bulging chest,
Is the hills and valleys.
The little plants woven together make the clothes that cover him,
When happy, he plucks a cloud to be his handkerchief.

His hair and beard,
Is that lush forest.
Each time he breathes,
The sound of wind passes through the mountain valleys.

The sun in the sky,
Is a red balloon in his hand.
It allows him to wake up warm in the early mornings;
And in the evenings he allows it to sink warmly down.

This friendly giant,
Has quietly lain there for millions of years.
He generously serves us,
Allowing us upon his body,
[Letting us] carouse freely [over his surface].

二 Two: 在空中飛行 Flying Through the Air

七歲那一年, 我帶著又期待的心情, 跟著爸爸, 媽媽來到了松山機場, 準備搭乘飛機到高雄外婆家.  When I was seven years old, I excitedly went to the Songshan Airport with my mother and father.  We were taking a plane to Kaohsiung, to my grandmother's house.*

等了很久, 飛機終於起飛了.  窗外晴空萬里, 美麗的景色盡收眼低.  飛機越來越高, 一會兒, 臺北就在腳下.  從空中俯瞰臺北盆地, 縱橫交錯的馬路, 把城市切割成一塊一塊的, 看起來像個棋盤; 高高低低的樓房, 就像大大小小的木堆在一起, 馬路上來來往往的汽車, 一輛接著一輛, 像會移動的火柴盒; 美麗的淡水河像一條藍色的帶, 把陽光下的臺北盆地裝扮得更加漂亮.  After a long wait the airplane finally took off.  [I could see out] the window for tens of thousands of miles, and everywhere I looked I saw beautiful scenery.  The plane went higher and higher, and in an instant Taipei lay underfoot.  I [then] overlooked the Taipei basin, and saw the roads crisscrossing the city, dividing it into parts so that it looked like a chessboard.  The varying heights of the buildings made them look like blocks stacked together.  The cars, one following after another, looked like moving matchboxes.  The beautiful Danshui River looked like a blue ribbon, and made the Taipei basin, glimmering beneath the sun, more beautiful.**

飛機沿著西部海飛行, 白色浪花拍打著曲折的海岸, 藍的海洋和翠綠的平原相成趣.  平原的另一邊, 連接著雄偉的中央山脈, 彎彎曲曲的小河, 自山谷中流出, 穿過原野, 穿過田園, 一路奔流入海.  The airplane followed the west coast [south].  White waves pounded the coast, and the deep blue of the ocean and the crisp green of the plains stood side by side.  On the other side of the plains, I saw the magnificent Central Mountain Range, where winding rivers flowed from mountain valleys, through the wilderness, through farmland, and into the sea.

啊!  寬廣的平原, 蜿蜒的河流, 肥的農田, 靜的村落, 以及熱鬧的城市, 一一呈現在眼前.  從臺北到高雄, 四十幾分鐘的空中旅程, 我們欣賞了這片美麗的大地風光, 就像飛過一巨大的圖畫.  Ah!  This vast plain, these meandering rivers, these fertile rivers, these peaceful villages, and these busy cities all passed before my eyes.  The 40 minutes from Taipei to Kaohsiung offered so much beautiful scenery to enjoy.  It was like flying over a giant picture.

*More specifically, "paternal grandmother."

**In prehistoric times Taipei was a lake.

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