Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Chinese 國語 1 第一單元 Unit One 上 First Semester

For a general overview of these textbooks and how they're used in Taiwanese elementary schools, refer to Elementary School in Taiwan: Overview of Classes and Textbooks Used

第一單元: 快樂的我 Unit 1: Happy Me

笑咪咪, 笑嘻嘻, 真快樂! Laughing, really happy!

什麼時候, 你也會這麼快樂? When are you so happy?

一 1 拍拍手 Clap Your Hands

拍拍手, Clap your hands,
拍拍手. Clap your hands,
左三拍, Clap left three times,
右三拍, Clap right three times,
上上下下拍拍拍. Up up down down clap clap clap.
大家一起坐下來. Everybody sit down.

語文焦點  Language Focus 一 1

我會寫字 (數字為扣除部首後筆畫數 / 總筆畫數) I can recognize words (number is the number of strokes minus the radical / total number of strokes)

[These are the characters/vocabulary that students would practice in their writing books at home.  Radicals and the above-mentioned number of strokes are placed next to each character.]

1. 一 one 2.拍 clap 3.手 hand 4. 左 left 5. 三 three 6. 右 right 7.上 up/above 8.下 down/below 9.大 big 10.坐 sit 11.來 come/arrive

我會認字 I can recognize words

一二三: 一二一, 一二一 one two three: One two one, one two one
三隻小貓咪, Three small cats
一起爬樓梯. Climb stairs together.

上中下: 上面一塊餅乾, up middle down: A cookie on top,
下面一塊餅乾, A cookie below,
中間夾果醬, In the middle is jelly,
變成了夾心餅乾. This makes a cookie sandwich.

念一念, 比一比 Read and Compare

[Using character vocabulary to make more complex words]

左 Left    左手 left hand, 左邊 left
在 In/at/on     在哪裡 where is it
小狗在哪裡?  小狗在左邊的椅子後面. Where is the little dog?  The little dog is behind the chair to the left.

拍 Clap     拍手, 球拍 clap hands, racket
白 White     白天, 白色 day time, white
哥哥拿著白色球拍打球. Big brother takes a white racket to play ball.

我會念 I Can Read

排排坐, 分水果. Sit in a row, share the fruit.
你拿一個紅, I take red,
我拿一個黃, You take yellow
哥哥姐姐還沒來, Big brother and big sister are not here yet,
留一盒, Save a box,
留一盤. Save a plate.

二2 吹泡泡 Blowing Bubbles

吹吹吹, Blow blow blow,
吹泡泡, Blowing bubbles,
我先吹一個小泡泡, First I'll blow a small bubble,
再吹一個大泡泡, Then I'll blow a big bubble,
小泡泡和大泡泡, Big bubbles and small bubbles,
一個一個都向天上跑. Each one floats up to the sky.

語文焦點 Language Focus 二 2

我會寫字 (數字為扣除部首後筆畫數 / 總筆畫數) I can recognize words (number is the number of strokes minus the radical / total number of strokes)

[These are the characters/vocabulary that students would practice in their writing books at home.  Radicals and the above-mentioned number of strokes are placed next to each character.]

1. 二 two 2. 吹 blow 3. 泡 bubble 4. 我 I/me 5. 先 first 6. 小 small/little 7. 再 again/after 8. 和 and 9. 向 toward 10. 天 sky/heaven 11. 跑 run

我會認字 I can recognize words

: 大象, 大象, 鼻子長. big: elephant, elephant, [your nose is] long.
小: 小狗, 小狗, 尾巴短. small: small dog, small dog, [your] tail is short.
跑: 跑車, 跑車, 好拉風. run: moving car*, moving car, pulling the wind.
泡: 泡泡, 泡泡, 飛上天. bubbles: bubbles, bubbles, flying up into the sky.

*Alongside 車 (car/vehicle) the verb 跑 (run) simply implies movement.

念一念, 比一比 Read and Compare

我先吹一個小泡泡, First I'll blow a small bubble,
再吹一個大泡泡. Then I'll blow a big bubble.

我們先拍拍手, First we'll clap [our] hands,
再坐下來. Then [we'll] sit down.

我會念 I Can Read

吹泡泡的月亮 The Moon That Blows Bubbles

月亮吹了好多好多的泡泡, The moon blows so many bubbles,
大泡泡, 小泡泡, Big bubbles, small bubbles,
變成天上 In the sky [they] become
一閃一亮, 亮一閃的 Winking and twinkling, twinkling and winkling
大星星和小星星. Big stars and little stars.

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