Friday, January 1, 2016

生活 "Life" 1 第一單元 Unit One 下 Second Semester

For a general overview of these textbooks and how they're used in Taiwanese elementary schools, refer to Elementary School in Taiwan: Overview of Classes and Textbooks Used.

The "Life" textbook is the precursor to both Social Studies and (Natural) Science, which elementary school students study in grade 3.  This textbook is also used (or at least mentioned) in their "Living Arts" class.

第一單元: 開學相見歡 Unit 1: Meeting Once Again at the Start of the Semester


I'm truly happy to see you,
To share my winter vacation fun,
Everyone likes to see each other,
And to welcome the happy new semester.

1. 開學了 School Has Started

開學了, 看到同學真高興, 一起來唱 "歡迎歌", 歡迎好久不見的同學.  School has started, it is a happy thing to see classmates.  Let's sing the "Welcome Song" together to welcome back the classmates we haven't seen for a long time.

演唱 Song

[sheet music and lyrics for song]

唱唱歌, 拍拍手, 更能增加熱鬧的氣氛, 讓我們一起跟著音樂拍手, 當看到 [symbol for clapping] 就要拍3下.  Sing the song, clap your hands, make some noise.  Let's clap along with the music.  When you see the symbol for clapping, clap three times.

節奏練習 Noisemaker Practice

[sheet music and lyrics for song]

寒假過後, 第一天見面, 你和同學聊些什麼?  After winter vacation, what do you and your classmate talk about?

Girl 1: 過年的時候, 我們全家一起大掃除.  During Chinese New Year our whole family did some spring cleaning together.

Boy 1: 你的頭髮剪短了.  Your hair is shorter.

Girl 2: 我回外婆家住了好幾天.

Boy 3: 小琪好像長高了.  I think Shiao Chi is taller.

Girl 3: 我們全家一起出國去玩.  Our whole family went abroad.

Girl 4: 過年的時候, 有好多人來我們家玩.  During Chinese New Year many people came to visit our home.

寒假時你做了哪些有趣的事情?  你有什麼新體驗?  What interesting things did you do during winter vacation?  What new experiences did you have?

Boy 1: 我學會吹笛子, 我想吹一首歌曲給同學聽.  I learned how to play the flute.  I want to play a song for my classmates.

Girl 1: 我要和同學分享我到花蓮玩的照片.  I want to show my classmates pictures of our trip to Hualien.

Boy 2: 我讀了一本有趣的故事書, 我要分享我的讀書心得.  I read an interesting storybook.  I want to share my impressions with the class.

Girl 2: 我要表演打陀螺給同學看.  I want to show my classmates how I play with my top.

Boy 3: 奶奶教我做燈籠, 我學會用簡單的材料做燈籠.  Grandmother taught me how to make lanterns.  I can use simple materials to make them.

把你的寒假生活畫下來, 並且和同學分享.  Draw what you did during winter vacation and share with your classmates.

寒假生活畫作  Winter Vacation Pictures

Picture 1: 寒假時, 爸爸帶我去動物園玩. During winter vacation my father took me to the zoo.

Picture 2: 寒假時, 我們全家去廟裡拜拜.  During winter vacation our whole family went to the temple to pray.

Picture 3: 寒假時, 我們回外婆家過年, 還和表哥一起放鞭炮.  During winter vacation we went back to my grandmother's house for Chinese New Year.  I lit fireworks with my uncle.

Picture 4: 我和家人在寒假時去放天燈.  I raised lanterns with my family during Chinese New Year.

2. 迎接家長日 The School Open House

在新學期剛開始時, 學校要舉辦家長日, 讓我們一起討論, 如何迎接即將到來的家長日.  At the start of a new semester the school holds an open house.  Let's talk about how to welcome visitors to this open house.

Boy 1: 要把教室打掃得更乾淨.  We should clean the classroom thoroughly.

Girl 1: 可以布置教室, 讓教室變得更漂亮.  We can decorate the classroom to make it more beautiful.

Girl 2: 我要做好多盒子裝點心.  I want to make many paper boxes to hold the snacks.

Girl 3: 可以自己製作邀請卡.  We can make our own invitation cards.

Boy 2: 我也可以幫忙倒水.  I can help pour the water.

Girl 4: 要準備點心.  We should prepare snacks.

Boy 3: 我想要在家長日來學校幫忙.  I want to help during the open house.

說一說, 可以做些什麼事情來歡迎我們的來賓呢?  Discuss: what can we do to welcome our guests?

[chart follows, discussing ways in which we might welcome the visitors]

在布置教室之前, 讓我們先來打掃教室.  Before we decorate the classroom, let's clean up.

Girl 1: 我要把地掃乾淨.  I want to sweep the floor very clean.

Girl 2: 窗戶擦乾淨之後, 就可以貼上美麗的花邊.  After we wipe the windows clean we can stick pretty flowers on them.

Girl 3: 櫃子裡的書要放整齊.  The books in the bookcase need to be organized.

演唱歌曲 "打掃除" 感受歡詞中分工合作的精神.  Perform the song "Sweeping" to encourage cooperation.

演唱 Song

[sheet music and lyrics for song]

把 "打掃除" 的歌詞配上節奏念念看, 你也可以做個RAP小歌王啊!  Use noisemakers to accompany the lyrics to "Sweeping."  You can also rap along!

[sheet music and lyrics for song]

教室整理乾淨之後, 讓我們設計一張邀請卡邀請家長, 並做環保紙盒來裝美味的點心.  After the classroom has been cleaned we can make invitation cards to welcome the parents, and also make paper boxes to hold the snacks.

[diagram with prompts for making card]

Elephant: 做好的邀請卡要記得送給家長呵!  After finishing your invitation card remember to give it to your parents!

環保點心盒 Environmentally-Friendly Snack Box

[diagram for making origami box]

Boy 1: 可以用一張長方形的紙摺成紙盒.  You can fold a rectangular piece of paper to make a paper box.

Girl 1: 可以做更大的盤子裝更多的點心.  You can make a bigger plate to hold more snacks.

我們一起想一想, 這學期要選什麼主題來布置教室?  Let's think about it together - what theme will we use to decorate the class this semester?

小花園主題 Flower Garden Theme

1. 我利用色紙剪出窗花.  I will use colored paper to cut out snowflakes.

2. 我會利用拼貼的方式做出花朵.  I can put the pieces together to make a flower.

3. 我可以利用對折的方式剪出好多草地.  I can cut folded-over paper to make a lot of grass.

4. 我想畫在圖畫紙上再剪下來.  I want to cut the construction paper.

Girl 1: 可以把教室布置成小花園.  我喜歡小花和小草.  We can decorate the classroom like a flower garden.  I like little flowers and grass.

海低世界主題 Undersea Theme

Boy 1: 可以把教室布置成繽紛的海低世界.  我喜歡海裡面的小動物.  We can decorate the classroom like an underwater world.  I like the little animals in the ocean.

Elephant: 說一說, 你還有什麼更好的點子呢?  Discuss: what other, better ideas do you have?

大家一起布置教室, 利用花邊與自己的作品, 分工合作把教室變漂亮.  Everyone decorates the classroom together, using lace and our own artwork.  We work together to make the classroom beautiful.

Girl 1: 小心不要貼歪了.  Be careful to stick it on straight.

Girl 2: 我用粉彩紙拼貼成一朵花.  I will use origami paper to make a flower.

Boy 1: 我把瓢蟲塗上美麗的顏色.  I'm sticking a ladybug on the beautiful paper.

Boy 2: 我用色紙剪出各種的造形.  I cut many shapes out of the colored paper.

Boy 3: 我們一起把作品貼上去.  Let's stick the artwork up together.

Boy 4: 把剪好的圖案貼上去.  Stick on the pictures we cut out.

Elephant: 在布置的過程中有什麼值得與大家分享的事情呢?  What would you like to share about decorating the class?

準備工作都完成了, 接下來要怎麼歡迎來參加家長日的來賓呢?  The work of preparation is finished, and the only thing left is to think about how we will welcome our guests to the open house.

Parent 1: 你好.  Hello.

Girl 1: 請進.  Please enter.

Boy 1: 歡迎參觀我們的教室.  Welcome to our classroom.

利用家長日, 讓家長看看我們的創意與學習成果.  Use the open house to show parents our artwork and what we study.

Girl 1: 這是我們的作品.  I made this.

Parent 2: 畫得好棒啊!  It's so beautifully drawn!

Parent 3: 這些花邊的設計真特別.  These lace decorations are very special.

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