Saturday, February 20, 2016

My Lesson Plan for Next Year

I'd like to stress the fact that I do NOT advocate writing yearly lesson plans.  Taiwan's Bureau of Educations wants me to write them, so that's why I do it.

This is my plan for Grade 3.  My plans for grades 4, 5, 6 are very similar.


During the Fall 2018 semester students will study the Dino on the Go! Level 1 textbook, and during the Spring 2019 semester they will study Dino on the Go! Level 2.

Structure of Class

Your child has my class once a week.  I divide every month into four lessons.  2 of these lessons are devoted to their English textbook, and 2 are devoted to a Special Topic which you will find on the Semester Schedule below.  The first lesson of every month focuses on vocabulary and grammar, and will cover the first half of that month’s unit.  The second lesson of every month will cover the second half of that month’s unit, and will also feature an art activity.  The third lesson of every month will introduce vocabulary and sentence patterns relating to the Special Topic, and we’ll also play a game outside or in the gym.  The fourth lesson of every month will reinforce the Special Topic vocabulary, and will include a listening activity.


My tests are 100% spoken.  This means that no recordings are involved, and I speak to the students on a face-to-face basis.  I take three students at a time, and ask them questions from their textbook.  I also ask them how to spell some of the words.  Grade 3 students start from a score of 50%, and I ask them 5 questions, each worth 10%.  Grade 4, 5, and 6 students start from a score of 40%, and I ask them 6 questions, each worth 10%.  If your child is speaking and paying attention in class, these questions should be no problem.  If your child is not speaking, not participating, and not paying attention, then of course this test will be a problem.


I don’t really assign homework, but students will often need to complete or correct papers at home.  Papers sent home usually include a writing assignment (once a month), an art assignment (once a month), and a review worksheet (once a month).  Completing (and thinking about!) these assignments will of course help your child’s test scores, and also their comprehension of English.

Expectations Regarding Behavior

Students should try to speak English in class whenever possible.  Sometimes asking questions in Chinese is necessary, but after the first semester of English this isn’t so helpful.  They should be trying to interact with me, their teacher, in English as much as possible.  I realize that some things are difficult to say in English, but it’s in these moments of difficulty that the most learning occurs.

Also, students should not be talking when I am talking.  I do my best to be a good listener, and they should do the same.

Everyone should arrive to class on time.  Books from other classes should not be on their desks during my class, and students who finish class assignments early should help their classmates complete the same assignment.

Cheating on my oral tests is not possible.  Cheating on listening activities is possible, and is not OK.  These listening activities are NOT tests, and no one should feel the need to cheat.  They are a way for me to gauge what students are learning, and cheating on them defeats their purpose.

Everyone should try to put forth their best effort on art activities.  It doesn’t matter whether students think they can draw well or not.  Effort is what matters.  Effort is what helps them learn.

How to Improve Your Child’s English (at Home or Anywhere Else)

1.      Speak more English at home.
2.      When speaking English at home, don’t translate from one language to another.
3.      Watch English-language movies with English subtitles.
4.      Read English books at home.
5.      When studying English or reading English books, SAY what you are reading also.
6.      Remember that learning ANY language well takes a long time.  Don’t get discouraged!

First Semester Schedule

Week Number
Lesson Content
Unit 1: What’s Your Name?  Vocabulary: Danny, Dino, Irene, Owen, Niki.  Phonics: Aa-Zz.  Writing assignment.
Unit 1: What’s Your Name?  Vocabulary: Danny, Dino, Irene, Owen, Niki.  Phonics: Aa-Zz.  Art activity.
Special Unit #1: Cars.  Listening Activity.  Sports activity.
Special Unit #1: Cars.  Review worksheet.
Unit 2: How Old Are You?  Vocabulary: six, seven, eight, nine, ten.  Phonics: Aa-Zz.  Writing assignment.
Unit 2: How Old Are You?  Vocabulary: six, seven, eight, nine, ten.  Phonics: Aa-Zz.  Art activity.
Special Unit #2: Airplanes.  Listening activity.  Sports activity.
Special Unit #2: Airplanes. Review worksheet.
Unit 3: What’s This/That?  Vocabulary: book, pencil, eraser.  Phonics: Aa-Zz.  Writing assignment.
MID-SEMESTER TEXT (Oral) Units 1-2 and All Previous Textbooks
Unit 3: What’s This/That?  Vocabulary: book, pencil, eraser.  Phonics: Aa-Zz.  Art activity.
Special Unit #3: Trains and Boats. Listening activity.  Sports activity.
Special Unit #3: Trains and Boats. Review worksheet.
Unit 4: What Color Is It?  Vocabulary: red, green, blue.  Phonics: Aa-Zz.  Writing assignment.
Unit 4: What Color Is It?  Vocabulary: red, green, blue.  Phonics: Aa-Zz.  Art activity.
Special Unit #4: Review.  Listening activity.  Sports activity.
Special Unit #4: Review.  Review worksheet.
Scavenger Hunt, Sports Activity, or Some Other Kind of Game
DVD related to Special Topic
FINAL TEST (Oral) Units 1-4 and All Previous Textbooks

Second Semester Schedule

Week Number
Lesson Content
Unit 1: Are You Tall?  Vocabulary: tall, short, fat, thin.  Phonics: -ed, -et.  First half of unit, followed by writing assignment.
Unit 1: Are You Tall?  Vocabulary: tall, short, fat, thin.  Phonics: -ed, -et.  Second half of unit, followed by art activity.
Special Unit #1: Jobs
Special Unit #1: Jobs
Unit 2: Is It a Small Cat?  Vocabulary: big, small, a bird, a cat, a dog, a rabbit.  Phonics: -ig, -ick.  First half of unit, followed by writing activity.
Unit 2: Is It a Small Cat?  Vocabulary: big, small, a bird, a cat, a dog, a rabbit.  Phonics: -ig, -ick.  Second half of unit, followed by art activity.
Special Unit #2: Activities
Special Unit #2: Activities
Unit 3: Who’s She?  Vocabulary: father, mother, sister, brother, grandpa, grandma.  Phonics: -op, -ot.  First half of unit, followed by writing assignment.
MID-SEMESTER TEXT (Oral) Units 1-2 and All Previous Textbooks
Unit 3: Who’s She?  Vocabulary: father, mother, sister, brother, grandpa, grandma.  Phonics: -op, -ot.  Second half of unit, followed by art activity.
Special Unit #3: Food
Special Unit #3: Food
Unit 4: Is He a Teacher?  Vocabulary: a cook, a teacher, a student, a doctor.  Phonics: -ub, -ut.  First half of unit followed by a writing assignment.
Unit 4: Is He a Teacher?  Vocabulary: a cook, a teacher, a student, a doctor.  Phonics: -ub, -ut.  Second half of unit followed by an art activity.
Special Unit #4: Review
Special Unit #4: Review
Scavenger Hunt, Sports Activity, or Some Other Kind of Game
DVD related to Special Topic
FINAL TEST (Oral) Units 1-4 and All Previous Textbooks

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