Sunday, April 12, 2015

American Football with Non-Americans 美式足球

The Seattle Seahawks are playing GREAT this season, and it looks like they might just go all the way to the Superbowl.  If they make it that far, this would be the first time that Seattle has ever gone to the Superbowl.  The Seahawks are presently the best team in the entire NFL, with a record of 12 wins to just 3 losses.西雅圖的海鷹隊在這一季有很棒的表現, 看起來很有希望進入美式足球超級盃如果他們能打進超級盃, 那將是西雅圖第一次打進超級盃海鷹隊是目前美國美式足球聯盟最好的球隊, 目前成績是贏了十二場, 輸了三場.

With the Seahawks in mind, I've been playing American football with my classes at the elementary school.  The kids always get excited when I bring out the football, even if they're not exactly sure what it is.  American football is NOT popular in Taiwan.  At all.因為海鷹隊的關係, 我在國小裡帶我的班玩美式足球, 孩子們雖然不確定那是什麼球, 因為美式足球在台灣並不熱門,但看到我拿出橄欖球都很興奮 .

I have to simplify the rules quite a bit for the kids, but by the end of my short introduction we are almost playing something that looks like American football.  I start by drawing a field on the board with two players.  Then I draw one player throwing the ball to the other player.  After that I act out the other player running to the opposite end of the field.為了孩子能盡快地了解玩法, 我必須將比賽規則簡單化,在我簡短的介紹後, 我們幾乎玩得有模有樣了, 剛開始我畫了兩個球員和一座球場在黑板上, 然後畫一個球員丟球給另一個, 接著我演那個接到球的人跑向球場的另一端.

Then I'll try a couple "demo games" in the class with two of the students.  I throw one of the students the ball, and they try to walk past me to the other side of the room.  I TRY to show the class that a two-hand tag means that the other side must stop, and that we are tagging the other player, not SMASHING THEM INTO THE GROUND.  If I have time, I show the other student how to "block."然後我會請兩個學生在課堂上和我一起表演怎麼玩, 我將球丟給其中一個學生, 他們試著經過我走到教室的另一頭, 我試著讓他們了解 two-hand tag發生時另一隊要停止動作, 並且觸碰另一隊的隊員不表示猛烈撞倒他, 如果我有時間的話, 我也教其他的學生如何攔截球.

It is also necessary to explain that the ball can only be passed one time between players on the same team.  A lot of classes have trouble with this part, and they will just pass and pass and pass. When they do this, what you end up with is a kind of handball. 對他們解釋同隊的隊友之間只能傳一次球, 很多班級沒辦法了解這一項, 他們只顧著在彼此之間傳球, 在這種情況下, 遊戲就成為某種手球賽了.

Of course the easiest way to avoid confusion is just to type out a series of directions in English and Chinese, but since I am the conversational English teacher, I don't really like doing this.  As an educational exercise, I think it's better if I talk them through the rules as much as possible.  當然最簡單的教法是用中文跟英文寫一張介紹美式足球的規章, 可是我覺得英文會話老師不應該這麼做.  從教學的角度看, 我覺得討論美式足球的規則是比較好的教法.

Later on, we go outside and try to play football.  I have to watch the boys VERY carefully when we do this, because many of them will want to shove the other players to the ground.  A lot of boys are really fixated on the violent aspects of this and other sports, and I have had to tell a few boys that they can't play if they are going to hurt people.  介紹規則之後, 我們會到外面玩美式足球.  這時候我要很小心注意學生, 因為很多男孩想把他們同學推到地上.  很多男生認為這種運動最好玩的部分就是推擠別人.  所以我們每次玩的時候我都要跟這樣的男同學說他不能再玩了.

I often think about how much more interested they would be in football if there was a Taiwanese player in the NFL.  Having a player you can identify with is a big part of any sport, and American football is no exception.  Taiwanese people LOVED baseball after Chien-Ming Wang got into the MLB, just as they LOVED basketball after Jeremy Lin started playing in the NBA.  I'm sure that many Taiwanese people would also become huge curling fans if it looked like some Taiwanese curler had a shot at the next Winter Olympics.如ˇ果有一個有名的台灣球員在美式足球隊的話, 那大家對美式足球就會更有興趣了. 在任何的球類比賽中, 有一個有名的球員是一件重要的事, 這在美式足球中也不能免俗, 台灣人民瘋棒球是因為王建明加入美國職棒大聯盟, 林書豪打 NBA也是一個很好的例子, 我相信如果台灣出一個冰上滾石遊戲的球員參加下一屆的冬季奧林匹克的話, 那台灣人民也會開始瘋那項運動了. 

I think American football is a great game, and it is a game I enjoy both watching and playing.  I feel the same way about soccer, which people in Europe call football, much to everyone's confusion.  I really wish I could see the Seahawks games live, but thanks to the time difference they always end up occurring in the middle of the night over here.  我覺得美式足球是一個很棒的遊戲,  歐式足球比賽也同樣好玩又好看.  歐洲人叫他們的足球football, 可是我們美國人叫它soccer.  在美國football就是美式足球.  我很想看最近海鷹隊美式足球隊的比賽, 可是兩地的時差差太多了, 他們總是在台灣的三更半夜進行比賽.

Even if the Seahawks don't make it to the Superbowl, I've had a lot of fun playing the game with my students.  Most of them enjoy it, and I've had a lot of fun trying to teach them how to play the game.就算海鷹隊沒進入超級盃的比賽, 我已經和我的學生玩得很開心了, 大部分的學生都很喜歡, 我也從教他們的過程中得到許多樂趣. 

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