The snake described in the story, the 百步蛇, can be translated as "Hundred Pace Snake" or "Hundred Pacer." It is a venomous pitviper.
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Hundred Pacer |
The Bunun Tribe's Friend: the Hundred Pacer
布農族是生活在台灣高山上的原住民, 他們對百步蛇非常尊敬和愛護, 即使碰到也不會傷害他們, 還把牠們當成好朋友. 為甚麼布農族對百步蛇這麼好呢? 和一段古老的傳說有關喔! The Bunun are an aboriginal tribe living in Taiwan's high mountains. They both respect and love the hundred pacer. If they come across the hundred pacer they will not hurt it, and they consider it a good friend. Why are the Bunun so nice to the hundred pacer? It has to do with a very old folktale!
1. 很久以前, 有一對布農族夫婦生下一個可愛的男孩, 但是媽媽在生產完不久就生病, 去世了, 爸爸非常傷心. A long time ago, a Bunun couple gave birth to a very cute boy. But soon after giving birth the mother got sick and died. The father was very sad.
媽媽 Mother: 你要好好照顧孩子喔! You need to take good care of the boy!
爸爸 Father: 你放心! Don't worry!
2.媽媽去世後, 爸爸只好請鄰近有嬰兒的婦人幫忙餵孩, 但是給男孩餵奶的人, 不久就會生病或死亡, 最後都沒有人敢接近他了. After the mother died, the father had to ask many of the local women to feed the baby milk, but after feeding the baby many of these women got sick or died. After a while none of the women wanted to be near the baby.
爸爸 Father: 請妳幫我的孩子餵奶. Please feed my child milk.
婦人 Woman: 不要! 聽說這個孩子會害人生病! No! I have heard that this child makes people sick!
3. 大家都很害怕男孩, 覺得他會傷害族人, 所以部落的長老命令爸爸將男孩丟掉. Everyone was very scared of the boy, and felt that he would harm the members of the tribe. Therefore the old village chief commanded the father to abandon the boy.
長老命 Old Chief: 你要把這個男孩帶到山裡丟掉! You must abandon this child in the mountains!
4. 雖然爸爸很捨不得, 但還是得服從長老的命令. 他用布農勇士的外套將男孩包好, 帶到山上, 藏在樹叢裡. Although the father was heartbroken, he had to follow the village chief's orders. He wrapped the boy in a Bunun warrior's jacket, and abandoned him in a thicket.
爸爸 Father: 孩子, 對不起! Child, forgive me!
5. 爸爸非常想念孩子, 過了幾天, 偷偷去山上探望時, 發現男孩竟然變成一條蛇, 身上長滿像布農勇士外套一樣的三角型花紋, 牠就是百步蛇. The father missed his child very much, and after a few days, while he was ranging through the mountains, he discovered that his child had transformed into a snake. Upon the snake's body was a pattern resembling the triangle pattern of a Bunun warrior's jacket. He was a hundred pacer.
6. 蛇告訴爸爸, 牠是男孩變成的, 身上懷有劇毒, 但是不會隨便攻擊布農族人, 也希望布農族人要愛護牠, 父親答應了. The snake told his father that he was the boy, and that his body was poisonous, but he would not carelessly attack members of the Bunun tribe. He hoped that the Bunun tribe would take care of him, and the father agreed to this.
百步蛇 Hundred Pacer: 以後我和布農族就是朋友了! After today I will be a friend to the Bunun tribe!
爸爸: 真是太好了! This is really great!
7. 後來布農族人將百步蛇取名為"卡飛阿", 就是朋友的意思. 他們知道百步蛇不會主動攻擊人, 遇見時只要讓牠先走, 牠就會自動離開. Afterward the Bunun tribe began to call the hundred pacer "Kafeiya," which means "friend." They know that the hundred pacer will not attack people without reason, and that if you come across it you should let it go first. It will leave of its own accord.
布農族人 Bunun Tribesman: 朋友! 你先走吧! Friend! You go first!
8. 擅長打獵的布農族人, 也不再捕蛇還是吃蛇肉, 還在傳統服飾和器具上以百步蛇的花紋作為主要圖案, 表示對百步蛇得愛護. Even though the Bunun are hunters, they do not trap or eat snakes, and it is still their tradition to decorate their clothes and tools with the likeness of the hundred pacer. This represents their love for the hundred pacer.
布農族人 Bunun Tribesman: 百步蛇是我們的好朋友喔! The hundred pacer is our good friend!
百步蛇 Hundred Pacer:
百步蛇分步在中國南部,越南和台灣山區, 身上咖啡色的三角形紋路非常美麗, 是布農族傳統衣服上常見的圖案. 百步蛇遇到危險會把身體盤誠圓形, 抬起頭部保護自己, 遇到時小心繞過, 不要打擾牠, 就能避免被咬. The hundred pacer can be found in southern China, Vietnam, and Taiwan. The coffee-colored triangle pattern on their bodies is very beautiful, and it is a pattern commonly seen on Bunun clothing. When the hundred pacer is threatened, it will coil itself up and raise its head. When you see it you should keep your distance and not bother it. Then you will not be bitten!
1. 很久以前, 有一對布農族夫婦生下一個可愛的男孩, 但是媽媽在生產完不久就生病, 去世了, 爸爸非常傷心. A long time ago, a Bunun couple gave birth to a very cute boy. But soon after giving birth the mother got sick and died. The father was very sad.
媽媽 Mother: 你要好好照顧孩子喔! You need to take good care of the boy!
爸爸 Father: 你放心! Don't worry!
2.媽媽去世後, 爸爸只好請鄰近有嬰兒的婦人幫忙餵孩, 但是給男孩餵奶的人, 不久就會生病或死亡, 最後都沒有人敢接近他了. After the mother died, the father had to ask many of the local women to feed the baby milk, but after feeding the baby many of these women got sick or died. After a while none of the women wanted to be near the baby.
爸爸 Father: 請妳幫我的孩子餵奶. Please feed my child milk.
婦人 Woman: 不要! 聽說這個孩子會害人生病! No! I have heard that this child makes people sick!
3. 大家都很害怕男孩, 覺得他會傷害族人, 所以部落的長老命令爸爸將男孩丟掉. Everyone was very scared of the boy, and felt that he would harm the members of the tribe. Therefore the old village chief commanded the father to abandon the boy.
長老命 Old Chief: 你要把這個男孩帶到山裡丟掉! You must abandon this child in the mountains!
4. 雖然爸爸很捨不得, 但還是得服從長老的命令. 他用布農勇士的外套將男孩包好, 帶到山上, 藏在樹叢裡. Although the father was heartbroken, he had to follow the village chief's orders. He wrapped the boy in a Bunun warrior's jacket, and abandoned him in a thicket.
爸爸 Father: 孩子, 對不起! Child, forgive me!
5. 爸爸非常想念孩子, 過了幾天, 偷偷去山上探望時, 發現男孩竟然變成一條蛇, 身上長滿像布農勇士外套一樣的三角型花紋, 牠就是百步蛇. The father missed his child very much, and after a few days, while he was ranging through the mountains, he discovered that his child had transformed into a snake. Upon the snake's body was a pattern resembling the triangle pattern of a Bunun warrior's jacket. He was a hundred pacer.
6. 蛇告訴爸爸, 牠是男孩變成的, 身上懷有劇毒, 但是不會隨便攻擊布農族人, 也希望布農族人要愛護牠, 父親答應了. The snake told his father that he was the boy, and that his body was poisonous, but he would not carelessly attack members of the Bunun tribe. He hoped that the Bunun tribe would take care of him, and the father agreed to this.
百步蛇 Hundred Pacer: 以後我和布農族就是朋友了! After today I will be a friend to the Bunun tribe!
爸爸: 真是太好了! This is really great!
7. 後來布農族人將百步蛇取名為"卡飛阿", 就是朋友的意思. 他們知道百步蛇不會主動攻擊人, 遇見時只要讓牠先走, 牠就會自動離開. Afterward the Bunun tribe began to call the hundred pacer "Kafeiya," which means "friend." They know that the hundred pacer will not attack people without reason, and that if you come across it you should let it go first. It will leave of its own accord.
布農族人 Bunun Tribesman: 朋友! 你先走吧! Friend! You go first!
8. 擅長打獵的布農族人, 也不再捕蛇還是吃蛇肉, 還在傳統服飾和器具上以百步蛇的花紋作為主要圖案, 表示對百步蛇得愛護. Even though the Bunun are hunters, they do not trap or eat snakes, and it is still their tradition to decorate their clothes and tools with the likeness of the hundred pacer. This represents their love for the hundred pacer.
布農族人 Bunun Tribesman: 百步蛇是我們的好朋友喔! The hundred pacer is our good friend!
百步蛇 Hundred Pacer:
百步蛇分步在中國南部,越南和台灣山區, 身上咖啡色的三角形紋路非常美麗, 是布農族傳統衣服上常見的圖案. 百步蛇遇到危險會把身體盤誠圓形, 抬起頭部保護自己, 遇到時小心繞過, 不要打擾牠, 就能避免被咬. The hundred pacer can be found in southern China, Vietnam, and Taiwan. The coffee-colored triangle pattern on their bodies is very beautiful, and it is a pattern commonly seen on Bunun clothing. When the hundred pacer is threatened, it will coil itself up and raise its head. When you see it you should keep your distance and not bother it. Then you will not be bitten!
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