Saturday, April 11, 2015

望夫島 - 火燒島 Why Green Island is Called "The Burning Island"

The following passage was taken from 台灣地名故事 ("Stories of Taiwanese Place Names").  This book was published by 風車圖書 (Windmill Illustrated) in 2013, and the Chinese text was written by 張青史.  This story was translated (into English) by me.

 望夫島 - 火燒島
The Island Where She Kept Vigil for Her Husband - The Burning Island*

 "火燒島" 就是我們現在所稱的綠島.  由於它孤懸於海上的地理位置, 使它一度成為監禁, 管束政治思想犯與黑道大哥的天然監獄, 同時也塑造了它與世隔絕, 海上監獄的印象.  其實, 浪漫的 "綠島小夜曲" 旋律, 使綠島恍若銀色月光下搖盪的輕舟, 引發人們產生椰林, 海潮與兩情相悅的想像.  "The burning island" is a name we use for Green Island.  Due to its isolated location upon the ocean, it was formerly used as a prison for gangsters and political prisoners.  The presence of this prison further isolated Green Island from the outside world.   

Howeverthe melodious "Green Island Serenade", [a popular song], reminds one of the silver light of the moon, of swaying boats, of alluring coconut groves, of ocean waves, and of romantic fantasies.

這麼美麗的綠島與, 為甚麼會有 "火燒島" 這種不相稱的名稱呢?  這就必須從很久以前發生的一則妻美故事說起了.  But why is the beautiful Green Island called by another name?  Why is it also called "the burning island"?  The explanation must begin with the story of a wife, set a long time in the past.

綠島在地質上是一座火山島, 海岸環繞著珊瑚礁, 地形相當崎嶇.  山多田少, 不利於農耕, 所以, 大部分的居民都以出海捕魚為生.  Green island is a volcanic island, surrounded by coral.  The terrain is very mountainous, and not good for farming.  For this reason, the residents must go to the ocean and fish for their food.

很久以前, 島上住著一對恩愛夫妻, 他們結婚幾十年, 卻沒有生下一南半女.  丈夫平時駕著一艘破舊的小船, 在離岸邊不遠的淺海捕魚為生, 雖然所得不多, 但勉強可以維持一家溫飽.  A long time ago, a happy couple lived upon the island.  They had been married for over ten years, but they had no children.  The husband, a fisherman, usually piloted an old, creaky boat along the shore, not far from the island in order to catch fish for their meals.  Although he did not catch many fish, it was enough for them to subsist on.

一天晚上, 丈夫對妻子說 "今年的飛魚季快要來臨了, 我想趁著段時間出海去多捕一些飛魚, 這樣才可以讓妳過更好的生活."  One evening, the fisherman said to his wife, "This year's flying fish season is approaching.  I want to go upon the sea for a short time and catch more fish.  In this way I can give you a better life."

妻子反對說 "我們現在不是過得滿好的嗎?  你何必去冒險呢?  我並不是貪圖榮華富貴的人, 這輩子, 只要能和妳平平安安的生活在一起, 我就心滿意足了.  何況你那艘破舊的小船, 怎麼禁的大浪呢?" The fisherman's wife countered by saying, "Don't we have enough now?  Why do you need to risk your safety?  I am not accustomed to living in luxury, and to live peacefully with you is everything I could want.  What could possess you to take that old, creaky boat  upon the ocean?  How can it withstand the big waves?"

丈夫解釋: "我原本也沒有打算出海捕魚, 昨天在街上遇到蔡先生, 說剛建造完成一艘新船, 需要幾個人手, 邀我加入, 我就答應她了."  The fisherman explained: "I had not originally planned to catch fish upon the ocean, but yesterday I ran into Mr. Tsai upon the road, and he told me that he had just built a new boat, and that this boat needed another hand So I agreed to go."

妻子聽了, 說: "既然你已經答應蔡先生, 而且又是一艘船, 你就安心去吧!  反正幾天後就可以回來了."   When the fisherman's wife heard this she said: "Since you have already told Mr. Tsai that you will go, and because he has a boat, you should go with my blessing.  Anyway, you'll be back after a few days."

妻子為丈夫準備了幾套乾淨的衣服, 又叮嚀幾句, 才放心的去睡覺.  The fisherman's wife prepared many clean clothes for him, and told him to be careful.  Then she fell into a peaceful slumber.

第二天, 丈夫跟隨蔡先生的漁船出海捕魚.  妻子到港口送行, 望著漁船出海, 她站在岸邊不停得揮著手, 直到漁船消失在起伏不定的海面, 才依依不捨的回家.  After two days, the fisherman joined Mr. Tsai's crew as they took to the sea on their fishing expedition.  The fisherman's wife sent him off at the port, and watched the boat sail out into the ocean.  She stood at the port waving and waving, until the boat disappeared into the farther reaches of the water.  Only after the boat vanished completely did she return home.

三天過去了, 許多漁船已經陸續返港, 可是始終不見蔡先生的新漁船回來.  妻子開始著急了, 不斷向反港的漁民打聽.  有人說, 兩天前還有看到蔡先生的漁船在海上捕魚; 有人說, 蔡先生的漁船向南方駛去; 更讓妻子擔心的是, 有人說: "最近海上出現專門搶劫漁船的海盜船, 手段殘忍, 如果不將魚獲交給他們, 恐怕性命難保."  After three days, many of the fishing boats had already returned to port.  But Mr. Tsai's new fishing boat was not seen among them.  The fisherman's wife began to worry, and she listened to the other fisherman as they returned from the sea.  Two days before, some had seen Mr. Tsai's boat catching fish upon the ocean, and this boat had been seen sailing upon the waters to the south.  What truly frightened the fisherman's wife was the news that pirates had recently been seen in that area, and that these pirates used cruel means to threaten the lives of local fisherman in order to steal their fish.

妻子聽了, 內心非常焦慮, 但是她仍然相信丈夫會平安回來.  白天時, 妻子就在港口癡癡的望著茫茫大海, 期盼能看到丈夫搭乘的漁船平安返港.  When the fisherman's wife heard this her heart was very troubled, but she still believed that her husband would return peacefully.  During the day she stood by the port, staring nervously at the ocean, hoping to see her husband's boat returning safely.

由於以前並沒有燈塔可以為晚歸的漁船指引方向, 所以到了夜晚, 妻子就在島上的高處燃起熊熊大火, 希望能為丈夫的漁船島航,  以免找不到進港的方向.  熊熊的火焰把夜空照得通紅, 使得整座島像火在燒一樣.  In past times, there was no lighthouse to direct the boats back into port during the evening, so during the night the fisherman's wife tended a great fire on a high place.  She wished to show her husband's boat the way back to shore.  The great fire blazed red in the night, and made the whole island look like it was burning.

半個月過去了, 丈夫還是沒有回來, 他絕望了, 就跳海殉夫而死.  島上的居民為了紀念她, 從此, 就把這座島稱作 "火燒島".  Half a month passed, and still her husband did not return.  She gave up hope, and jumped into the sea in order to join her husband in death.  The residents of the island began calling this place "the burning island" in remembrance of her.

*This phrase in Chinese, "火燒島", could also be translated as "Fire Island."  I just find "The Burning Island" more evocative.

**This probably isn't the only story about why Green Island is called "the burning island."  There are usually many explanations for such things, and variations on similar themes.  This story also bears a strong resemblance to another story concerning the goddess Matsu 馬租, and the fires she kept burning for the fishermen.

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